Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Where Does The Time Go???

Work has been quite hectic lately, and I've also had National Novel Writing Month going on! Apologies for not writing. I'm hoping that next week I'll get back to writing more regularly. Went to see Waltz With Bashir at the pictures last week, and that's definitely a film that I'm going to write about when I get the chance.

Not 100% happy with how things have gone with NaNoWriMo this year - the story has definitely not worked out as good as in previous years. Given me some interesting ideas that I think I'm going to work on some more, but the actual novel doesn't work as well as I'd hoped... Oh well. All a chance for exploration.

More soon, stay tuned!!!

Friday, 7 November 2008

Short Summary

Work. Work. Oh, and work.

I've started on this year's National Novel Writing Month challenge; things are going well and I'm currently on track to hit 50,000 words by the end of the month. I'm quite enjoying what I am writing too, even if there are times where I'm wincing at just how clunky something is. That's not the point, the point is to just write and get it all out. If I decide that I like it afterwards I can go back and re-write and edit.

Have read a few books, saw Quantum of Solace and liked it a lot, thought that it really carried the themes and tone of the Ian Fleming books very well. Afterwards I went to a "Gourmet Burger Kitchen" and had a buffalo burger. Tasty.

I have been working on a few of my 101 things, but work at the moment just hasn't left me much time to blog (here or on Cognitive Blindspot). But I am enjoying life, and things seem fine and dandy, dandy and fine.

Now back to work!